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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Number of genes Poplar Populus trichocarpa 45555 genes 111371 Tuskan GA et al., The...
Composition of cell wall Poplar Populus sp. Table - link N/A 100587 Mellerowicz EJ, Baucher M...
Fraction of cell wall that is cellulose in mature wood Poplar Populus sp. 43-48 % 105107 Mellerowicz EJ, Baucher M...
Number of chloroplasts per cell Poplar Populus sp. 23 palisade tissue: 13 spongy tissue Chloroplasts/cell 107028 Ivanova LA, Ronzhina DA...
Lignin as percent of cell wall Plants 13-28 % 100588 Sykes R, Yung M, Novaes E...
Number of genes Prochlorococcus ~1,900 genes 111980 Hopkinson BM, Young JN...
Genome size (Golden Path Length) Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes 3.31e+9 bp 111390 Chimpanzee assembly and...
Number of genes that are cell cycle-regulated in human and budding yeast Various ≥800 Genes 109055 Wittenberg C, Reed SI....
Wood densities Plants Table - link 10^3kg/m^3 and lb/ft^3 110124 The engineering toolbox...
Number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 100 Table - link Chloroplasts/cell 107029 Königer M, Delamaide JA...
Number of chloroplasts per guard cell Coffee Coffea arabica L. 16 Chloroplasts/cell 107031 Etienne H, Bertrand B....
Number of the copies of ctDNA per chloroplast in pea leaf cells Pea Pisum sativum 102 to 272 Table - link genome copies/chloroplast 107109 Gayle K. Lamppa, Leslie...
Composition of cell wall Yeast polysaccharide 85% to 90%: protein 10% to 15% % 108195 Nguyen TH, Fleet GH,...
Fraction of cell wall mass that is cellulose Thale cress Arabidopsis thaliana 10.5 % 100586 Schrick K, Fujioka S...
Mean cell plan area and mean number of chloroplasts per cell Wheat Triticum aestivum Table - link N/A 107027 Pyke, K. A., and Leech...
Composition of Cell wall Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae ~85% polysaccharides: ~15% proteins % 104590 Lesage G, Bussey H. Cell...
Number of chloroplasts Green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 1 Chloroplast/cell 107030 Coleman AW. The fate...
Number of genomes per chloroplast in buds Pea Pisum sativum 224 (±80) Genome copies/chloroplast 107108 Boffey SA, Leech RM....
Date of large-scale gene duplication or whole-genome duplication Physcomitrella patens 30 - 60 Mya 113566 Rensing SA et al., An...
Number of proteins in various plants Plants Table - link N/A 105987 Weiche and Lang et. al...